I am still learning to be content in the situation that I am in. To be honest, I naturally resent spending months trying to teach my 18 month old the basic skills that my other children learned all by their selves much quicker!
Don't worry--I love my sweet, happy little girl to bits, but I do find her disability difficult.
But I am choosing to 'choose contentment'.
My five year old chose a Keys for Kids story thismorning at breakfast for me to read. I'm not sure if she understood the message in it, but it was perfect for me. The story was about how we should enjoy serving.
Some of the last words in the story were
"We often complain about the tasks the Lord gives us, as though He were punishing us. But if we really believe that He loves us, we'll accept those tasks as privileges instead of punishments."
We can learn to be content in every situation we are in because we can do all things through Christ. The two verses in Philippians 4 go together. Maybe the previous verses in that chapter are also hints. Rejoice in the Lord always, Don't be anxious about anything but pray about everything with thanksgiving and Think on true, pure etc. things. (Read Philippians 4 for the exact verses.)
Choose Contentment
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