
He Understands That We Don't

     Last night I was in bed praying over my day before I went to sleep. I was praying for Lydia, at it was the first day without her usual teachers (I am now helping at school with her. For full story watch my last vlog.) It had been a nice morning at school with her and I had enjoyed it more than I thought I would, but still I felt sad for her and for her teachers. I also felt bad that she doesn't understand what's going on. She is the only one in our family who usually has no idea what's happening. There is no point trying to explain it all to her, as she can't comprehend it. My heart ached for her as I prayed that it wouldn't be too unsettling for her. It struck me that I also don't always understand what's happening in my life. God can't explain it all to me because I wouldn't comprehend it. God cares for me more than I care for Lydia and His heart must ache for me too sometimes. 

    Yesterday at school it was extremely windy. Lydia's door kept blowing open and it really scared her. I didn't think, You silly child, being frightened of the wind. No, I understood her fear and I cuddled her. There are times I also feel terrified. God understands this and cares about my fears. He doesn't think You silly child, being frightened of …. But He does expect me to trust Him when I do feel afraid.

    When Lazarus was sick, Jesus didn't come straight away as He had a bigger and better plan. But when Lazarus died, Mary and Martha couldn't understand that. It all seemed hopeless. Jesus tried to explain to Martha that Lazarus would rise again, but Martha didn't understand what He was talking about. When he saw Mary and Martha's sorrow, what did He do? He groaned in His spirit, was troubled and wept. He understood their pain and confusion. His heart ached for them.

    When the disciples were unsettled and frightened, Jesus said, Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.... John 14:1

    Yesterday my verse for the day on my calendar was John 16:33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

    If you are like Lydia, afraid and bewildered, be comforted! God knows that you don't always understand and His heart aches for you. Don't wander away from Him because you don't understand. Instead, cling tight to Him (like Lydia does to me) and trust Him. 

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