
Mess and Increase

 I was feeling overwhelmed with my house. My life is very busy with lots to keep up with and housework and yardwork is never ending. I was praying about this when I read this verse. It was just what I needed to hear!

Where no oxen are, the crib is clean: but much increase is by the strength of the ox. Proverbs 14:4

I could choose to say to no to anything extra and spend more hours keeping my home perfect, but I would miss out on so much increase. Not money, but an increase in what money can't buy-- experience,  knowing God, spiritual growth and dependence on God.

I was telling someone recently how this year I've been teaching the Bible at our school and how I've become a preschool teacher. Her response was, "Don't you have enough to do with four children?" I've been thinking about that question. Yes, I do have enough to do with four children! I could say no to everything else. And my life would be much more clean, tidy and in my control, but I would lack an increase.

Don't get me wrong, there are times we need to say no to busyness and keeping up with our home is important. It is always good to pray through these things and ask for wisdom. And maybe you can't do anything extra, especially if you have a large family, babies and toddlers or you teach your children at home. We can't do everything.

The point is, that God's will for us often includes some chaos and mess. Because that is where we are desperate for Him. That is where we have to depend on Him because we can't make it otherwise. That is where we stay on our knees. That is where we grow. That is where we find an increase.

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