
Ask "Do I Need it?" not "Could I Use it?"

  (Tips to keep from being overwhelmed #4)

4. Ask yourself "Do I need it?" instead of "Could I use it?"

A helpful thought that I heard is to ask yourself if you need something rather than if you could use it (when you are deciding whether to keep something or not). One of the reasons that our house gets filled up with so much stuff is that we think we may use it one day. If you keep every thing that you might be able to use, your house will stay full and cluttered. And most likely you will never use it because you will forget you have it and it will be buried under everything else! 

For example... a margarine container. Could I use it? Of course it could be used for something. But do I need it or do I already have enough containers?

A mug that I don't really like. Could I use it? Of course! But do I already have enough without it? Could I get along without it? Definitely. So why keep it?

A pot. Can I use it? Of course. Do I need it? A totally different question! If I don't need it, I don't need to keep it.

Just about anything can be used, so it you want to have a house that is not overwhelmingly full and unorganized, try asking this question. Such a simple thought but it can be life and house changing! For me I NEED an uncluttered 'easy to tidy' house, not a million bits and bobs!

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