
By the Pathway of Duty

I recently heard someone singing this song, and I so liked it! It is an encouragement for busy mums and for anyone who is busy doing what God has given them to do.

By The Pathway of Duty
There's a path that's sometimes thorny,
There's a narrow way, and straight;
It is called the path of duty,
And it leads to Heaven's gate.
While we tread this path of duty,
We will find our needs supplied
From the river of God's mercy
That is flowing close beside.

By the pathway of duty
Flows the river of God's grace.

'Tis a blessed way and holy,
'Tis a path of peace and joy;
Though sometimes the way be stony
And the cares of life annoy.
But this path that we call duty
Is the way the Master trod,
And the smile of love and beauty
Lights the way that leads to God.

Let us walk this path of duty
With our faces to the sun,
Carry all our burdens gladly,
Finish well what we've begun.
From the river of God's mercy
That is flowing by the way,
We may drink and find refreshing
For the burdens of the day.
Sidney Edward Cox

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