When Joseph was younger, we were getting ready for school. Joseph had a cold. I happened to see what was in the pockets of his school shorts before we went out the door. It was full of vitamin C tablets and peppermints.
"Joseph, you can't have all those today." I told him.
"But I want to get better," he exclaimed, bursting into tears. My heart melted, but I had to empty his pockets.
Joseph wanted a quick fix for his cold. And yet, it would have done more damage than good.
I am sometimes like Joseph. I like quick fixes. I want out of any problem or pressure. And yet, how much I would miss if I always had a quick fix. It would do more damage than good.
If I'd had a quick fix when Lydia was born, I would have had no book to write as a testimony of God's grace helping us through that hard year.
If I always had quick fixes, I wouldn't have much to write about or share. Because most of what God teaches me is through pressure and challenges.
Abraham wanted a quick fix in having a son. So he married Hagar. It caused more trouble than good.
Rebecca and Jacob wanted a quick fix in getting God's promise. So they deceived Isaac and cheated Esau. As a result, Jacob had to leave and he never saw his mother again.
If Jesus had a quick fix when he was on the cross, there would be no salvation for sinners.
Are you are going through a challenge or waiting time? Be patient and trust God to bring you out in His timing. A quick fix will do more harm than good!
Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.
But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. James 1:2-4
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