
Jesus our Guide, Counselor, Model and More!

 I was praying through something I know God wants me to do, but I'm not sure exactly how. When my husband read The Daily Light before bed, he read this verse.

I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eyes. Psalm 32:8

This verse is always an encouraging verse when we are looking for guidance! 

But as I studied this verse and was looking up the word 'guide' I saw a list of related words that sparked some thoughts. To think that God is all of these words is encouraging to think about.

Counselor--a person trained to give guidance on personal or physological problems
              --someone who is trained to listen to people and give them advice about their problems

Model--a thing used as an example to follow or imitate

Pathfinder--a person who goes ahead and discovers or shows others a path or way

Rudder--A rudder is a device for steering a boat
           --any means of or device for governing, directing, or guiding a course, as a leader or principle

Escort--a person or group of persons accompanying another to give protection or as a courtesy

Captain--The word captain can describe any leader, but it's traditionally been the name for the person on a boat or ship with the highest rank. The captain of a fishing boat is responsible for making decisions about what route to take and how best to avoid bad weather.

     Jesus is our counselor. We can go to Him again and again to pour out our hearts. He listens and gives advice and guidance.
    Jesus is our model. Our example to follow.
    Jesus is our pathfinder. He has a made a way for us to be saved. He also goes before us and knows where we are going.
    Jesus is our rudder. Without Him we have no sense of real direction in life. Thank God, we don't have to try to figure everything out ourselves and be our own rudder.
    Jesus is our escort. We don't have to go through life on our own. We have Someone with us always and His presence makes all the difference.
    Jesus is our captain. He is the one in charge--the boss. All we have to do is trust and obey.

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