
Rest is Profitable

 This afternoon my children and I were busy setting up for preschool. All except for Esther. She has a cold and ongoing problems with tiredness. So she lay on a beanbag while we set up. She said, “I wish I could do something profitable.” I know exactly how she feels and I felt bad for her. But I told her, “You are. You are resting and that’s what you need right now.”

Rest can feel like a waste of time. It can feel like we aren’t doing anything profitable. But that is not the truth. Rest is what gives us the strength to get up and keep going. Rest is difference than laziness.

And taking the time to pray and read God’s Word may also feel like a waste of time sometimes. But that is where we find rest for our souls. Giving our burdens to God, thanking Him, and listening to Him speak through His Word is the most profitable thing we can do.

It’s hard to rest when there’s so much we could be doing. But wearing ourselves out is also not profitable. We need to take time to rest both physically and spiritually. That’s profitable!

“Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.”

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