All Things Work Together for Good
Nearly two years ago I wondered how any good could come
out of our situation. Our baby was about a week old. She was in the intensive
care unit and we had no idea how long she would be there for. (She has Down
Syndrome, she was very fragile and she needed heart surgery). Our children were
staying with my parents 5 hours away.
Before this I had always looked after my children myself.
So it was hard to have to give that job/responsibility to someone else. All the
uncertainties didn’t help and my youngest was only 1 1/2yrs.

In tears I asked God, “How is this good? How can any good
come from our family being separated? Isn’t a mother supposed to be able to
look after her own children? Isn’t this going to affect our children?”
I believed God’s promise that all things work together
for good to them that love God, but I couldn’t understand how.
God didn’t show me the answer right then. But he gave me
the grace to give my children and my family to God and trust Him to help us.
This week I have been reflecting on the last two years
with all its difficulties and I can now see some of the good that has come out
of it. In fact, there is quite a list! I hope there are more that I don’t even know
Here is the list I made…
1. I have gained faith that God can help me through any
2. Much experience
3. Growth (spiritual and social)
(I have learned many lessons spiritually and also learned
that I can live surrounded by an audience! That was a good experience for a ‘not
very social’, shy, home lover like myself!)
4. The sweetest happiest little girl that brightens up
our home and makes many people smile
5. A stronger bond with my husband
6. A special bond with any family with DS or health
7. Empathy---to know what it’s like
(Now I know how devastating it feels to be told your
child has a disability. I know what it’s like to be ‘trapped’ inside a hospital
for a long time. I know what’s it’s like to have your world turned upside down…)
8. Meeting many new people we wouldn’t have met otherwise
9. My book of encouragement
(Before Lydia was born, I started to fill a small
notebook with encouraging verses, hymns, poems, quotes etc. that would help me
while Lydia was in hospital. Since then I have continually added to it, and I
often go back to it when I’m finding things difficult. I’m thankful I got the
idea as it’s been a huge help.)
10. Losing my fear of disabilities
(Before Lydia was born, I was scared of people with
intellectual disabilities. And I was not at all attracted to people with Down
Syndrome. It took having my own child with DS to cure that!)
11. More opportunities
(For example… at the airport a few weeks ago, an old
couple stopped and talked to us for a while. They had a ‘big downie’, as they
called their daughter with DS! If we hadn’t of had Lydia, they wouldn’t have
talked to us.)
12. More perseverance
(I think I have learned some patience and perseverance
through our experiences with Lydia.)
13. Other people have been encouraged
(Some people have told us that they have being encouraged
by seeing God help us through our trials.)
14. I am more thankful for simple things
(like seeing my family each day, being at home, being
able to do housework…)
15. We value each other more
16. Time alone with Johan
(Johan likes to have time away together without the children
sometimes, but I find that more difficult and don’t like to ask people to take
them. But this situation was completely out of my control, and since Lydia was
in intensive care a lot, we were able to have special times together with just
the two of us that we never would have had otherwise.)
17. Some verses and hymns have a much deeper meaning to
me now

She looked at me as if I was crazy!
But I was right! Or should I say, God’s promise is right.
“All things do work together for good to them that love
Romans 8:28
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