

I'm a person who loves to share things I find helpful!
These are some of my favorite places to get inspiration or encouragement. ( I don't necessary like everything there, but they're worth sharing.) I won't share the exact links but if you google the names or look them up on Youtube you'll find them.

For my house: I get overwhelmed very easily by too much of anything and yet I find it hard sometimes to let things go. So I find these three people very helpful. They help motivate me to keep things simple and uncluttered.
The Minimal Mom (Youtube Channel. She shares lots of tips on simplifying.)
Ali Cassazza (She has a website all about keeping life simple and uncluttered.)
Josh Becker  (He also has a website and a Youtube Channel along the same lines as the other two.)

Tiny Notes from Home  ( Youtube Channel. A vlog about a family who have a music ministry)
Sounds Like Reign (Youtube Channel. The same family's music.)
George Beverly Shea (Youtube. I love his music. I find it really relaxing. There are a few of his albums on youtube. I like to listen to them when I'm doing jobs.)
Ron Hamilton Songs (Ron Hamilton is a song writer and there are lots of his songs on Youtube. I listened to them a lot through my last miscarriage. )
Streams in the Desert (Devotional Book. This is my favourite devotional. I have often shared pieces from it on this blog. So many times it is relevant for what I am going through)
The Daily Light (Book. A morning and a night reading made up of  Bible verses from all over the Bible, put together to bring across a theme. Growing up my dad read this to us before meals, and my husband and I now read the night reading before we go to sleep.)
Elisabeth Elliot Quotes (Facebook Page. It seems nearly every quote I read is really helpful to me.)
Counting On ( Youtube. I like watching the Duggars on youtube whenever there is a new episode.)
Embassy Media (Website. My mum told me about this website . There are all different kinds of sermons and videos here. You have to pay to subscribe, but you can get one free month and see if you like it or not. I have found the sermons I listened to so helpful and just what I needed. So for me it's worth the subscription fee. Some favourites on here so far are Ron Dunn, Jim Schettler, Ann Conway and Gil Bates' sermons about God providing.)
The Pineapple Story Series (I have a cd series of these that I often listen to in the car on longish trips. But you can listen to them on Embassy Media and on Youtube. Otto Koning shares what he learnt as a missionary to tribal headhunters. He is a bit of a comedian, but the lessons he shares were really helpful to me when Lydia was born and we had to give up normal life for a time.)

I've probably forgotten some and there are many more I could share. But these are the ones I can think of that have helped me the most recently. I hope they may be helpful to you and if you have any favorites that are different to mine, I would love to know.

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