
I've Got What It Takes

Have you ever thought, I don't have what it takes?
Early this week I had a stressful morning before school. Each of my children took turns being difficult! And I didn't have much patience. In the evening I was thinking about it, as I checked on them before bed. There are moments that I find really hard as a mum. I was a patient person until I had children. Or so I thought! My children have showed me how little I really have. That night I thought, 'I don't have what it takes to be a good mum.' Straight away the thought came to me, 'That is so not true. I have what it takes. I have God. He is everything! He knows everything. He is all I need.' 
In myself, I do not have what it takes. But with God, I have what it takes. Whatever God has called me to do, I can do with His help. I have exactly what it takes. My weaknesses only show me how much I need Him and they drive me to my knees.

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