
Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone

On Thursday night we went to the Community Dinner in our church hall. (People from our church all help with this, but it is my husband, Johan, who organizes it and who leads it each time.) There was a big group of people there from the community, mostly elderly people. But one person who had said they were coming was missing. We got told that he had passed away a few days earlier. We were sad and shocked. This man had been coming to the Little Haven for the last 6 months (The Little Haven is a building we have in the middle of town which is set up as a drop in center). We had been seeing him every Friday and even though he was old, it was very unexpected.

It made me feel sad, but it also made me realize how important the Little Haven is. For the last 6 months of his life, this man heard the gospel regularly. Although we don't know his heart or if he responded, we know he heard it--he had the opportunity.

I help Johan at the Little Haven each Friday. We serve tea, coffee and biscuits and a hot lunch at 12. Johan usually shares a few words from the Bible before he gives thanks for the food. I help with the cooking and the dishes, while Johan talks to the people. One Thursday a month we cook a meal for the Golden Oldies (Senior Citizens). And lately we have been open every second Sunday afternoon to share more about the Bible.

The truth is, although I do enjoy it, I never feel like going! It is out of my comfort zone and I would rather stay at home. It takes time and energy--there's a lot of dishes! It is a time commitment and a small sacrifice. I sometimes grudge that.

But it is so important! It is giving people--especially people who are close to death--the opportunity to be saved. It is giving them another chance.

Lord, help me to willingly give my time and energy so others can have a chance to hear the gospel. Help me to love these people and care about them. Help me to be more friendly and warm. Help me to remember that every time I see them may be the last.

What kind of ministry has God given you? I hope this encourages you that it IS important and it IS worth the sacrifice!

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