
Don't Complain!

Don't complain about a house to clean;
Complaining is a sin.
Think of those who have no home
Who have no bed to sleep in.

Don't complain about dirty dishes;
Dishes mean food to eat.
Think of those who have no clue
Where their next meal they'll get.

Don't complain about your children--
'They're so much work', you sigh.
Think of all their cute little ways,
That look of glee in their eye!

Don't complain about your children's mess--
The house is never clean!
Think of the day when they'll be gone.
Oh, how you'll miss them then!

Don't complain because you're pregnant--
Tired, uncomfortable and fat!
Just think of the live one inside you,
Not all woman have had that.

Don't complain about your husbands faults;
We all have room to grow.
Think of all his positive points.
He's not all bad, you know!

Don't complain because your husband's late--
He forgot 'again' to phone!
Think of those who've lost their husbands
Who wish theirs only could come home.

Don't complain because you've no spare cash;
I'm sure you have what you need.
Think all the things you have
And run a mile from greed.

Don't complain because you're so busy--
The mountain of work to do.
Just think of those in their sick bed
Longing to have strength like you.
  ~by Emily van Rijn :)

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