
Does Jesus Care?

Have you ever an experience that showed you so clearly that Jesus cares about you?
This morning I had one of those moments.
Last week when I had my miscarriage, my husband stayed home for a few days, and we just took it easy and didn't do much. This week life is back to normal, but I am finding that while my body has healed physically, I am still in shock and in survival mode! It takes time to get back to normal again. So I still have to take it easy for awhile.
Thismorning I was thinking that I need to do some baking today as we have nearly run out of biscuits. Usually I always make them rather than buy them. When I brought my groceries yesterday, I should have thought to buy some to save baking this week. But I didn't.
So I thought I would just have to bake today even though I don't feel up to it.
But as I drove out the driveway to drop my girls off at school, I saw a plastic bag in my letterbox. In the bag was something that someone had borrowed from my husband and they were returning. But can you believe it? In the bag there was also two packets of biscuits!! Biscuits! That means I don't need to bake today after all. 
To me that was a very clear reminder that God cares about my smallest needs.
A few months ago, a similar thing happened.
I had flown to Starship hospital with Lydia for a procedure she needed. It was not a major procedure and it was just for two days, so my husband did not need to come. But I still felt very insecure about going without him, especially after our last experiences up there. While I knew God was with me, I really wished I had a physical person with me!
Well, on the morning of Lydia's procedure, my sister rang me and asked if she and my brother-in-law could come visit me. Although they don't live in Auckland, they were up there getting visas sorted. They should have left Auckland already, but because of a delayed flight and a missed appointment, they had to stay an extra night and they had the whole morning free. They also weren't staying very far away from the hospital. As it turned out they were with me when Lydia went into theater and they were with me for the most of the time she was in there.
I don't think we could have planned that if we had tried. Again I had the overwhelming sense that God cared about me!

Does Jesus Care?
Does Jesus care when my heart is pained
Too deeply for mirth and song:
As the burdens press, and the cares distress,
and the way grows weary and long?

O yes, He cares;
I know He cares,
His heart is touched with my grief;
When the days are weary,
the long nights dreary,
I know my Savior cares.

Does Jesus care when my way is dark 
With a nameless dread and fear?
As the daylight fades into deep night shades,
Does He care enough to be near?

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