
Eyes to See

Yesterday morning at the breakfast table I was reading the children a Bible Story and the title was 'Eyes to See.'
It was a story about Elisha. His servant woke up in the morning, went outside and was horrified to see soldiers surrounding the city. He told Elisha in panic. Elisha encouraged him, "Don't be afraid. There are more fighting on our side than the side of the enemy." Then Elisha prayed that God would open the servant's eyes that he would see. When the servant looked up again, he saw that the hillsides all around were covered with horses and chariots of fire. God's angels were protecting them. (For the whole story read 2 Kings 6).
Reflecting on this story, I realized that I am often like that servant. All I see are the difficulties and the trials. I need my eyes to be opened to all God's mercies and all the blessings that surround me.
This last week has been difficult, but in spite of it all, I have been surrounded with many blessings.
Here are some I've written down...
1. A Christian school and preschool.
   I have never been so thankful for school before! I don't think I could have coped very well if all my children had been home those first few days.
2. It happened on preschool morning.
I only had Lydia at home that morning and she doesn't ask questions or notice if I am upset!
3. It didn't happen in the school holidays.
4. I wasn't very far along in my pregnancy.
5. It wasn't very painful.
6. The night that it happened my husband was up most of the night coughing, which meant he had a reason to stay home from work.
But after he had gotten some sleep in the morning he felt a bit better, and so he could just be home with me.
7. The scan showed a complete miscarriage, which means I didn't need to go to hospital.
8. A friend cooked us a meal.
9. Another friend dropped us off buns and soup.
10. My scan was free.
Beforehand they told us there would be a fee, but afterwards they said we didn't need to pay.
11. The beautiful bunch of flowers somebody sent.
  Every time I enjoy their beauty I am reminded that I am loved!
12. This was not my first pregnancy.
  We already have four children.
13. I met my new midwife the day before, so I knew who I was ringing up!
14.I hadn't taken my prescription for my folic acid etc. to the pharmacy yet. 
I was going to do it when I dropped the children off at school that morning. But I realized something was wrong before I went out the door.
 15. The lady who did my scan was the same lady who did my scan when I was pregnant with Lydia.
Since she had found something wrong with Lydia, and then finding this baby was gone already, she was afraid I might never want to see her again because of the bad memories. But in stressful circumstances, I always find it comforting to see a familiar face rather than a complete stranger.
16. The hope and assurance of heaven.
17. The kind messages, emails and phonecalls we got.
18. The song my sister sent us.
19. Biscuits in our letterbox when I needed to do baking.
20. All God's precious promises.

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