
It's Just Stuff...

    (Tips to keep from being overwhelmed #7 and #8)

7. It's Just Stuff

It can be very hard to not hang on to things unnecessarily! I find it helpful to remember that all those things are just stuff. Stuff. It's not human. It's not a member of the family. It doesn't have a soul. It's often replaceable. It's usually forgotten when it's out of sight. It will all be left behind when we die. It collects dust. It takes up space. It has to be looked after and maintained. It has the ability to affect our stress levels and
our mental health.

8. And then, seeing that stuff is just stuff, I Make a Choice

Would I rather have stuff or space? Would I rather have an easy to clean, tidy, peaceful home or one that is always overflowing with stuff that always needs tidying, organizing and rearranging? What would I rather have? Some people can have a lot of stuff and they manage to keep it clean, tidy, organized and a lovely place to be. I admire them! But for some of us like myself, it's one OR the other. It's heaps of stuff OR a clean tidy house. It's time to do things that are important to me OR it's endlessly trying to get on top of everything.

If you are overwhelmed or your home is not a place you enjoy being at, remember that stuff is just stuff! And then remember that you have a choice. What will you choose?

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