
Don't give up, but get up!

I'm just like a little child,
Learning how to walk--
Many times I stumble along the way,
But I won't sit down and cry;
I'll get up and try again.
Don't give up, but get up today.

 Don't give up, but get up,
That's what a child does--
It's just no use to sit down and cry!
Don't give up, but get up
And trust in the LORD.
Don't give up, but have another try

God has told us in His Word
Time and time again--
We have an enemy who wants to keep us down.
But don't listen to his lies
God will give you strength to rise.
Don't give up, but get off the ground.
~Emily van Rijn~
This is a song I wrote a year ago when Hannah was learning to walk. Esther has just learned to walk in the past week, so I've been thinking about it again. It was an encouragement to me the other day when I was feeling depressed because of a failure once again. But this song reminded me  "It's just no use to sit down and cry. Don't give up but get up."


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