
Freedom from Worry

Sometime ago I was discussing a possible future problem with my husband. Afterwards I was busy worrying! 
Suddenly the thought came to me, You don't have to worry about this. It really hit me and it felt like a burden was lifted off my shoulders.
Of course I knew I'm not supposed to worry. But to realize that I don't have to worry is slightly different!
I could simply pray about the matter and leave it in God's hands.
It was so freeing!
A few weeks later, a new worry about the future came up. For sometime I fretted, worried and tried to solve it unsuccessfully. Then I remembered, Oh yes, I can be free from this horrible burden of worry.
I don't have to worry! I have to pray and trust but not worry. That is God's job not mine.
Are you carrying a heavy burden of worry? Give it to God and trust Him to work things out. You don't have to worry about it! You can have God's perfect peace.

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